Replace Your Standard Overlay with Antimicrobial Overlay.
Stop the spread!
Bacteria can be transferred to smart cards from the air, the user’s skin or contact with other surfaces, so with users then touching other surfaces or other people handling these cards harmful bacteria can soon be spread.
Our antimicrobial cards provide peace of mind for card users, reducing bacterial activity on the surface of the card by over 99%*.
*Backed by independent laboratory testing, test certificates can be supplied upon request.What makes the cards antimicrobial?
These cards have been specifically designed to stop the growth and replication of bacteria on the surface of the card. They are manufactured using the same process as all of our smart cards, with an extra additive introduced to the overlay of the card.
This additive, a silver based nano-technology, stops the growth of bacteria in three ways; it ruptures the bacterial cell membrane, immobilizes the bacteria by depleting oxygen levels and destroys the reproductive receptor.
Silver, used extensively in the medical industry for many years, is sustainable, offers superior durability and bacteria doesn’t develop resistance, unlike some of the non-silver antimicrobials.
Available in a wide range of technologies…
Antimicrobial cards are available in the same wide range of technologies as our standard PVC cards. These include contact and contactless technologies such as NXP, Atmel, Infineon, EM Microelectronic and more.
Key Benefits
- Proven technology kills 99.99% of bacteria, fast!
- Available in a wide range of technologies - NXP, Infineon, Atmel, EM Microelectronic & more.
- Available with PVC & PET card bodies.
- Minimal cost uplift for maximum protection.
- High quality overlay with longevity and zero print distortion.
The high-quality overlay gives zero print distortion compared to our standard overlay and offers no differential in lamination capability. The overlay is kept on stock in mass quantity to allow for easy substitution of standard overlay.
On our smart store this option can be easily selected as a configurable option in the drop-down list on smart card product pages.
For more information on cards with an antimicrobial overlay get in touch with us today and one of our specialists will be happy to help you!